Sheepshead Bay Real Estate Lawyer

Your Local South Brooklyn Real Estate Attorney (11235)

Sheepshead Bay, located in South Brooklyn, is a neighborhood filled with diversity from the perspective of both culture and real estate. Whether you own a condominium, cooperative apartment, traditional home, commercial building or simply rent, knowing a dependable Sheepshead Bay real estate lawyer is crucial.

The Rozhik Law Firm has positioned itself in this community to be the central go-to legal office to take care of all of your real estate needs.

Richard Rozhik, Esq., is a native of this historical neighborhood. His familiarity with Sheepshead Bay has given him first hand knowledge of zoning laws, building codes, and a high level of comfort when it comes to the type of practices and traditions that occur with the real estate transactions in this area.

The real question is why would you even need a real estate lawyer to begin with?

 Frequently Asked Real Estate Questions

Consider the following issues that may arise:

Your landlord sells the building you rent in. A new landlord approaches you and informs you he has decided to raise the rent on you even though your current lease shows a lower rental price.

Resolution: By working with a Sheepshead Bay real estate lawyer, you might be immediately informed that your prior signed lease would need to be honored by the new landlord. 

You own a co-op and have decided to move elsewhere while still retaining your property. You want to lease out your residence. A board member hears about your interest in renting out your unit and they casually inform you that isn’t allowed. How would you go about verifying the truth?

Resolution: Your South Brooklyn attorney will examine the bylaws that are part of your cooperative unit. Within these bylaws, it will indicate the policies surrounding leasing your apartment. What a board member says is irrelevant. Only the bylaws dictate what you can and cannot do. This is also known as the right of first refusal and the contracts contain many variations of this clause.

You found a condominium unit you love and want to move forward with purchasing it however since you are a first home buyer, you have no idea how to go about buying the property.

Resolution: A real estate lawyer like Richard Rozhik, Esq, can connect you with a buyer’s broker if needed. He can also reach out to the seller’s attorney with an offer sheet and begin the purchasing process. Additionally, the condo board will also be notified of your interest in order to complete the necessary tasks that occur with their involvement. In short, our law firm will guide you every step of the way to help you close as quickly and easily as possible.  

You’ve decided to finally sell your Sheepshead Bay home. You aren’t comfortable with your brokers approach on trying to sell the house. At this point you would prefer to have a professional oversee the entire transaction from the closing to make sure your broker is acting appropriately and fulfilling his duties along with your requests.

Resolution: Richard Rozhik, Esq., will communicate with the broker to follow up on how they are proceeding with the sale of the home. He will also verify if the broker is vetting potential buyers and doing all they can to market your property. All paper work such as offer sheets and sales contracts will be reviewed by the Rozhik Law Firm’s staff.

What Exactly Can We Do For You? 

Our law firm can provide you with a wide array of services. With our experience and depth in knowledge, we will ensure your real estate transaction is a worry free process. With us, you not only get a law firm who take great care when it comes to due diligence, but you will get some of the best customer service possible.

We cross all t’s and dot all i’s. Whether it’s a lien, property defect, judgment, or violation, we make sure we track and detect any possible unforeseen issues that may arise.

Richard Rozhik, Esq., has successfully lead his clients to understanding the buying, selling, and renting process in the New York City area. His main focus is to provide reliability, experience, and effectiveness.

When it comes to real estate, the amount of services that can be provided are numerous. Here are the following areas of law within the real estate niche specialty that we can assist you with:

Perform a real estate closing whether you are a buyer or seller
Draft a contract of sale for your co-op, condo, house, or commercial property
Last minute contract drafting
General real estate assistance for real estate brokers/agents, contractors, investors, end-users, and wholesalers
Complete a real estate closing within 45 days
Commercial leases
Residential leases
Review all necessary legal documents associated with a real estate transaction
Vetting of potential buyers which includes reviewing their financials

With our law firm, you will receive a wide array of services. There is no better form of protection than to have a Sheepshead Bay real estate attorney by your side. It is always recommended to seek out the advice of legal counsel when it comes to matters as complex as the buying or selling of property.

Sheepshead Bay Co-op Lawyer 

Most people believe that when they purchase a co-op, they are receiving a deed. This is false. What actually happens is during the purchase of a co-op, you are receiving shares in a corporation. The corporation owns the property and you are given a proprietary lease. This is what is legally happening. In reality, you are living in an apartment and can do as you please with it from renovations, sublets, to reselling as long as your actions follow the guidelines of your co-op’s bylaws.

All taxes, insurance fees, maintenance costs, and other miscellaneous charges are paid by you and the other shareholders in the building. The amount owed is based on a calculation in which the amount of shares you own is dividing into the total upkeep costs. The more shares you own, the higher your monthly maintenance bill will be.

When you buy into a co-op, you must be approved by the board of directors. This is a set of individuals who will interview you, review your financial documentation, and ask to be provided with recommendation letters. They cannot discriminate against you but they can deny you acceptance into the building for any little reason.

Contact us

Should you have any questions regarding a real estate transaction, lease signing, lease review, a sale or purchase of a home, real estate litigation, or have general questions regarding realty law, feel free to contact our law firm at (917) 567-1963 or email us at