New York Real Estate Closing Lawyer / MLS services for buyers and sellers
Whether you are a buyer or seller, and whether you are involved with residential or commercial law, 99.9% of the time the other party is armed with a real estate lawyer. Why? The amount of documentation involved as well as all the nuances are overwhelming for a non-attorney. Why go to war without any ammunition? You need the right New York real estate closing lawyer. Although not a requirement, it is a MUST in our professional opinion. The best way to protect your investment, your bank account, and the legacy you will leave your family is by hiring the right real estate closing attorney.
If you live in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, or Staten Island, we cover all five boroughs for your real estate closing needs. Do you live outside of New York City? No problem. Our devoted attorneys are here to travel to your location and to the location of the opposing counsel to ensure you are protected and watched over throughout the entire closing process. We will ensure that our principal real estate attorney, Richard F. Rozhik, Esq., is heavily involved during the entire transaction. As many conferences and meetings as you need with the buyer/seller, you can come to our Brooklyn, NY location. When you retain The Rozhik Law Firm, you are no longer a client, you are family. Our house is your house. Our resources are your resources.
How much do we charge? We did not become successful by digging into the pockets of our clients. Our service is inexpensive, of high quality, and garnished with expert precision. Cheap retainers exist. Cheap does not equal poor quality. We want to stay competitive in this market and the only way we know how is by providing a service that is worth significantly more then what you actually pay for. We want to ensure you are coming out with the sense that you found a bargain. Contact us today at (917) 567 1963, or email us at
Do You Need A Lawyer For A Real Estate Closing?
The quick answer, Absolutely! From the several tasks that an attorney handles, some of the most important include your lawyer negotiating with both parties to make sure the transaction comes together in an acceptable and peaceful manner that is fair and equitable to both sides. The real estate attorney enters the scene once the terms and price have been established by the realtors and the parties involved. What the attorney will do is review the contract, negotiate any additions such as repairs needed to the property based on what is stated in the inspection report, and be in contact with the title company. Your attorney will also be present during the settlement stage. What is the best part of hiring the right real estate closing lawyer? You have an advisor willing and ready to provide you expert advice.
NYC Lease Review & Draft Attorney
Whether you are getting ready to sign into a commercial or residential lease, it is always advisable to have an attorney review the agreement before signing. Why? The most obvious answer is leases typically favor the landlord since it is the landlord who drafted the lease in the first place. Before even signing off on the terms, you are already at a disadvantage. With the right representation however, the playing field becomes much more even.
A lease can range anywhere from five to twenty pages and it is typically filled with legal jargon. A NYC real estate lawyer is experienced enough to sift through the information and identify the crucial subsections that will have the most significant impact on your terms. Even with a sublease, it is always advisable to have a lawyer draft or review the document. Laws vary from state to state. As someone who never went to law school, you would naturally be unaware of what is expected in a sublease.
From the perspective of a lessor, it is understandable that you want your rights protected. You’ve spent a considerable amount of time and money into acquiring your property. Now that you are able to lease it out for commercial or residential use, terms and conditions should certainly be included in the agreement that gives you the fairness as a landlord that you deserve. Having a proper lease review attorney draft the document is crucial. Our firm is positioned to provide you with representation that will have you coming out of the transaction completely satisfied.
What Can Richard F. Rozhik Provide For You?
The single biggest transactions a person experiences in their lifetime deals with real estate. Whether you are buying or selling a house, a condominium, or a coop, you need the right attorney in New York to ensure the process goes smoothly from beginning to end. This episode in your life can be stressful and complicated. This is why hiring an expert New York real estate attorney like Richard F. Rozhik is the best decision you can make to avoid any issues and pitfalls that may arise. The last thing we want you to experience during your real estate deal is a crisis.
Richard F. Rozhik will provide you with legal counsel above and beyond any other real estate closing attorney in New York. He has the right connections within the real estate community. From mortgage lenders to real estate brokers, Richard F. Rozhik has his ear in the business and can help you find reliable and inexpensive personnel to make sure your transactions go swiftly without any delay.
It’s not hard to tell Richard F. Rozhik,Esq., is an expert when it comes to real estate closings. He knew the ins and out of every step within the closing process. I highly recommend him to all my friends and clients.
Highly reputable and highly professional! He is very reasonable with his retainer fee and provides you a service worth much more then what you pay for.
I recently purchased a house in Brooklyn, NY. Richard was there to help me with all aspects of the purchase. He spoke with the sellers on my behalf. He also did not take advantage of what little knowledge I have in the field of real estate. His retainer was very reasonable and easy on the pocket. Thank you Richard!
Richard did a great job as being the facilitator during my recent real estate purchase. I highly recommend him to anyone who needs anything regarding real estate.
There are good attorneys, and then there are great attorneys. I have utilized Richard for many various cases. His expert knowledge in real estate proved very beneficial for myself and my family. I highly recommend him if you have any closings in the near future.
Richard F. Rozhik, Esq., knows the right people in the real estate industry for home inspections, title insurance, and title searches. He is a valuable resource when it comes to all things real estate.
I was ready to buy a property with tenants already living in the home. Thank goodness I called Richard F. Rozhik, Esq. He pointed out that I would need to pay them their security deposit and decrease their rent at some point in the near future per the lease agreement. We were able to have the seller adjust the price of the home in order to account for the potential financial loss I almost incurred. If not for Richard F. Rozhik, Esq., I would have certainly found myself dealing with financial strain.